2016年8月4日 星期四


尊貴 敦珠法王 桑吉貝瑪耶巴仁波切 會展圓滿吉祥文

此次 在臺灣高雄文化中心由敦珠法藏淨業林舉辦藏傳佛法藝術展,特別是展出上下兩代敦珠大伏藏師之傳記唐卡、深法伏藏事業本尊普巴壇城等三根本及具誓護法等之身語意像、薈供食子相關之供品、藏傳各大傳承之攝影系列公開展覽活動。


敦珠轉世名者 桑傑貝瑪協巴 寫於西藏火猴年神變月空行會聚吉日


I would like to convey my sincere appreciation and best wishes for the success of the event to show case the rich collection of Buddhist texts and literatures in general and Dudjom lineage biographies and it's precious collection of sacred
treasured items of worship objects and ritual articles along with documents and photographic displays in particular to be exhibited at Dudjom centre Shyingdup Gatsal Ling (Dudjom Fachang
Jingyeli), in the interest and benefit of general public at large.

I further wish and pray that this Dharma lineage led by Shyingdup Gatsal Ling may progress with full accomplishment in their Dharma mission.
This is written by Dudjom Tulku named Sangay Pema Shydpa on the auspicious occasion of Saga Dawa of Fire Monkey year with prayers that this exhibition may benefit all
by seeing, hearing, thinking and touching, to awake and cultivate in them the seed of Dharma and lead to the attainment of enlightenment ultimately.


